Shipping your embryos/gametes (from US to Ukraine).

Information needed from the fertility clinic in the US where the embryos were created:
Requirements for shipping embryos: Male’s semenogram before IVF HIV, Hepatitis B and C, Gonorrhea, and Syphilis tests for the intended father and the intended mother, or the egg donor. These results must be from testing within 3 months prior to the creation of the embryos.  No test results older than 3 months prior to when the embryos were created will be accepted PGD/PGS report (if applicable)  Protocol of creation of the embryos and freezing method and instruction to unfreeze.   Test result of karyotype and any genetic testing (if applicable)● The US clinic must fill out and sign documents prepared by the Ukrainian clinic 
Requirements for shipping gametes:● Male’s semenogram before IVF (if applicable) HIV, Hepatitis B and C, Gonorrhea, and Syphilis tests for the intended father, the intended mother, or the egg donor. These results must be from testing within 3 months prior to the creation of the embryos. No testing older than 3 months will be accepted● Protocol of freezing method and instruction to unfreeze.   Test result of karyotype and any genetic testing (if applicable) The US clinic must fill out and sign documents prepared by the Ukrainian clinic 

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