Standard – Embryos from Your Clinic

Our 7 Step Process 


Consultation and Surrogacy Program Design


Preparation: Medical and Legal Documents 


Embryo Shipment 


First Trip to Kyiv: Documents Signing & Gestational Carrier Matching


Gestational Carrier Medical Treatment and Embryo Transfer


Monitoring of Pregnancy


Second Trip to Kyiv: Birth of Baby, Passport Obtained and Baby Travels Home with YOU

    • Program name

    • Agency Fee

    • Total Estimated Cost

    • Program name

    • Program name

    • Agency Fee

    • Agency Fee

    • Total Estimated Cost

    • Total Estimated Cost

    • Standard with Embryos Created in United States

    • $18,000

    • $51,455 (estimated based on 1 embryo transfer)

    • Program name

    • Standard with Embryos Created in United States

    • Agency Fee

    • $18,000

    • Total Estimated Cost

    • $51,455 (estimated based on 1 embryo transfer)

    • Payment Schedule

    • Services Delivered
      (this is a description of what happens at each program step)

    • Payment Schedule

    • Payment Schedule

    • Services Delivered
      (this is a description of what happens at each program step)

    • Services Delivered
      (this is a description of what happens at each program step)

    • 1st Installment
      Due upon signing agency contract $13,000 USD

    • Collaboration with intended parents to design the right surrogacy plan and create retainer
       Prepare initial legal and medical documents

    • Payment Schedule

    • 1st Installment
      Due upon signing agency contract $13,000 USD

    • Services Delivered
      (this is a description of what happens at each program step)

    • Collaboration with intended parents to design the right surrogacy plan and create retainer
       Prepare initial legal and medical documents

    • 2nd Installment
      Due to the clinic prior to medical trip to Ukraine €3,400 Euro (approx. $4,055 USD)

    • ● Arrange medical screening and psychological evaluation of gestational carrier(s)
      ● Provide egg donor and surrogate profiles for intended parents’ review and selection
       Prepare intended parents for 1st trip to Kyiv
      ● Preparation and review of all documents with the gestational carrier and her husband (if applicable)

    • Payment Schedule

    • 2nd Installment
      Due to the clinic prior to medical trip to Ukraine €3,400 Euro (approx. $4,055 USD)

    • Services Delivered
      (this is a description of what happens at each program step)

    • ● Arrange medical screening and psychological evaluation of gestational carrier(s)
      ● Provide egg donor and surrogate profiles for intended parents’ review and selection
       Prepare intended parents for 1st trip to Kyiv
      ● Preparation and review of all documents with the gestational carrier and her husband (if applicable)

    • 3rd Installment
      Due upon matching with gestational carrier when embryos arrive in Kyiv
      $8,000 USD

    • Provide surrogate profiles for intended parents’ review and selection
      Сryo-preservation of embryos and sperm (up to 1 year)
      Prepare the gestational carrier for embryo transfer 
      Defrosting embryos for transfer

    • Payment Schedule

    • 3rd Installment
      Due upon matching with gestational carrier when embryos arrive in Kyiv
      $8,000 USD

    • Services Delivered
      (this is a description of what happens at each program step)

    • Provide surrogate profiles for intended parents’ review and selection
      Сryo-preservation of embryos and sperm (up to 1 year)
      Prepare the gestational carrier for embryo transfer 
      Defrosting embryos for transfer

    • 4th installment
      Due upon heartbeat confirmation of the baby
      $5,000 USD

    • Attending medical visits with the gestational carrier
      Coordinating calls and updates with Intended Parents

    • Payment Schedule

    • 4th installment
      Due upon heartbeat confirmation of the baby
      $5,000 USD

    • Services Delivered
      (this is a description of what happens at each program step)

    • Attending medical visits with the gestational carrier
      Coordinating calls and updates with Intended Parents

    • 5th installment at 28th week of pregnancy
      $1,200 USD

    • Confirmation of pregnancy and medical maintenance
      Monthly compensation for the gestational carrier
      Maternity clothes
      Nanny arrangement for the gestational carrier

    • Payment Schedule

    • 5th installment at 28th week of pregnancy
      $1,200 USD

    • Services Delivered
      (this is a description of what happens at each program step)

    • Confirmation of pregnancy and medical maintenance
      Monthly compensation for the gestational carrier
      Maternity clothes
      Nanny arrangement for the gestational carrier

    • 6th Installment at 32nd week of pregnancy
      $2,500 USD

    • Apartment rental for the gestational carrier at 32 weeks or by doctor’s orders
      Preparation for delivery at maternity hospital

    • Payment Schedule

    • 6th Installment at 32nd week of pregnancy
      $2,500 USD

    • Services Delivered
      (this is a description of what happens at each program step)

    • Apartment rental for the gestational carrier at 32 weeks or by doctor’s orders
      Preparation for delivery at maternity hospital

    • 7th installment
      Upon attending birth in Ukraine
      $19,500 USD

    • Coordination at birth and assistance on purchasing/arranging newborn essentials
      Parental rights establishment upon birth
      Receipt of baby’s birth certificate and American passport

    • Payment Schedule

    • 7th installment
      Upon attending birth in Ukraine
      $19,500 USD

    • Services Delivered
      (this is a description of what happens at each program step)

    • Coordination at birth and assistance on purchasing/arranging newborn essentials
      Parental rights establishment upon birth
      Receipt of baby’s birth certificate and American passport

What ISN’T included in this estimate

    • You don’t like surprises and neither do we. You will not be surprised by any hidden costs. All costs and services are listed above. The following list are items that will incur an extra charge:

    • You don’t like surprises and neither do we. You will not be surprised by any hidden costs. All costs and services are listed above. The following list are items that will incur an extra charge:

    • You don’t like surprises and neither do we. You will not be surprised by any hidden costs. All costs and services are listed above. The following list are items that will incur an extra charge:

    • $2,000 to $6,000 Embryo Shipment Costs €950 Euro for additional embryo transfer (including medication) €4,900 Euro for additional IVF + ovarian stimulation for the Intended Mother + 1 embryo transfer + 1 embryos thawing + embryo cryopreservation and storage for one year €5,300 Euro for additional IVF + egg donor + embryo cryopreservation + 1 embryo transfer + embryo thawing €2,200 Euro for additional PGS24 for up to 10 embryos● Intended Parents’ (and child) travel & lodging. Expect to visit Kyiv 2 times. Costs related to establishing US citizenship  $2,500 for a multiple pregnancy to the gestational carrier  $1,500+ Special request to match with an experienced surrogate● Additional compensation to gestational carrier for invasive procedure (induced termination, ectopic pregnancy, cesarean delivery, organ loss or disability, etc.)  DNA test – $700 - $1,000 (variable depending on laboratory costs of Intended Parent’s country) Newborn medical costs (if any)

    • You don’t like surprises and neither do we. You will not be surprised by any hidden costs. All costs and services are listed above. The following list are items that will incur an extra charge:

    • $2,000 to $6,000 Embryo Shipment Costs €950 Euro for additional embryo transfer (including medication) €4,900 Euro for additional IVF + ovarian stimulation for the Intended Mother + 1 embryo transfer + 1 embryos thawing + embryo cryopreservation and storage for one year €5,300 Euro for additional IVF + egg donor + embryo cryopreservation + 1 embryo transfer + embryo thawing €2,200 Euro for additional PGS24 for up to 10 embryos● Intended Parents’ (and child) travel & lodging. Expect to visit Kyiv 2 times. Costs related to establishing US citizenship  $2,500 for a multiple pregnancy to the gestational carrier  $1,500+ Special request to match with an experienced surrogate● Additional compensation to gestational carrier for invasive procedure (induced termination, ectopic pregnancy, cesarean delivery, organ loss or disability, etc.)  DNA test – $700 - $1,000 (variable depending on laboratory costs of Intended Parent’s country) Newborn medical costs (if any)

Curious if international surrogacy is right for you? 

We would love to help you create your family.Please contact us today for a free initial consultation.

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